November 14, 2024
Gense vores Webinar om legatsøgning til USA
Webinar d. 12 november 2024, hvor du kan lære mere om vores legater og få gode råd…
October 8, 2024
Being a Fulbright Specialist in Denmark
We have interviewed Amparo Leyman Pino about her Fulbright Specialist project at…
September 4, 2024
Viden, passion og nysgerrighed – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Læs om Nanna Marie Tørring Koefoeds udlandsophold ved Massachusetts Institute of…
August 27, 2024
Fækal Mikrobiota Transplantation til Leversyge
Læs om Sidsel Støy udlandsophold ved University of California
July 1, 2024
Organtransplantation mellem arter – Columbia University
Læs om Sofie á Rogvis udlandsophold ved Columbia University
April 3, 2024
Toxic adfærd i online gaming – Rutgers University
Læs om Louise Anker Nexøs udlandsophold ved Rutgers University
March 15, 2024
Rytme og groove hos ensidigt døve – New York University
Læs om Alberte Baggesgaard Seebergs udlandsophold ved New York University
March 6, 2024
Kunstig Intelligens – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Læs om Frederk Ørsted Kjeldals ophold ved Massachusetts Institute of Technology
February 21, 2024
Test af en ny turbulens-model – Stanford University
Læs om Fulbrighter, Christoffer Hansens udlandsophold på Stanford University
February 14, 2024
Indkomstulighed, Ægteskabsmarkedet & Arbejdsmarkedet – Yale University
Læs om Fulbrighter, Frederik Almars udlandsophold på Yale
January 26, 2024
Gense vores Webinar om legatsøgning til USA
Webinar d. 24 januar 2024, hvor du kan lære mere om vores legater og få gode råd…
January 3, 2024
Genetiske variationer og sygdomsudvikling: Harvard Medical School
Læs om Fulbrighter, Anders Ulrik Eliasens udlandsophold
December 1, 2023
Arctic Initiative – Apply now!
Fulbright is now accepting applications for the 2024-2026 cohort
November 29, 2023
Webinar om legatansøgning d. 24. januar
Deltag i vores webinar for at høre mere om hvordan du kan søge legater til USA
November 20, 2023
Fulbright Denmarks ansøgningsrunde er nu åben!
Kunne du tænke dig legat til dit udlandsophold i USA? Så ansøg nu
November 1, 2023
Fulbright Visiting Student på Stanford University i Californien
Læs om Fulbrigther, Christopher Damgaard-Carstensens ophold på Stanford……
August 30, 2023
Udforskning af en Bæredygtig Fremtid: Specialisering ved Cornell University
Fulbrighter Emilie Helstrup tog til USA for at studere på Cornell University
August 28, 2023
New American Fulbrighters Arriving
Fulbright Denmark hosted an arrival orientation for the new American Fulbrighters.
August 22, 2023
Beriget af Mangfoldighed: Min Fulbright-Oplevelse i New York
Fulbrighter Daniel Fares Nasser Al-saif er i USA for at forske ved Columbia…
August 16, 2023
Fulbright Denmark is getting ready for Arrival Orientation
The arrival orientation will take place on August 24th and 25th
August 8, 2023
Kausal Inferens og Målrettet Machine Learing: Fulbright-ophold på UC Berkeley
Fulbrighter Marie Skov Breum var på UC Berkley for bl.a. at besøge forskningsgruppe…
August 1, 2023
Tidligere legatmodtager af Crown Prince Frederik Fund deler sine erfaringer
Tidligere legatmodtager af Crown Prince Frederik Fund, Huy Cuong Huynh, deler sine…
June 30, 2023
Crown Prince Frederik Fund Competition is Now Open
Apply now for scholarships to Harvard Kennedy School for AY 2024/2025
June 30, 2023
Invite a U.S. Fulbright scholar in Europe to visit Denmark
Learn more about the opportunity here
June 22, 2023
Crown Prince Frederik Fund’s legater uddelt for AY 2023/2024
Legatmodtageren er Emil Bender Lassen
June 22, 2023
Forskningsophold på UCSD
Fulbrighter Lasse Egendal Leipziger var på forskningsophold ved UCSD for at…
June 16, 2023
Congratulatory Reception in Honor of the Fulbright Program
Fulbright Denmark co-hosted a Congratulatory Reception in Honor of the Fulbright…
June 12, 2023
Fulbright-oplevelsen på University of Minnesota
Danske Fulbrighter, Ayan Yasin Abdi, har været afsted på University of Minnesota i…
May 30, 2023
Kunstig intelligens på University of California, Berkeley
Læs mere om Gustavs ophold som Fulbrighter på Berkeley University her.
May 23, 2023
Fostering Arctic Solutions: Fulbright Initiative III
The Fulbright Arctic Initiative (FAI) successfully concluded its third cohort…
May 17, 2023
Velkommen til de nye danske Fulbrightere
I tirsdags afholdt vi det årlige pre-departure webinar for nye danske Fulbrightere
May 10, 2023
Fulbright-oplevelsen på University of Chicago
Danske Fulbrighter, Pernille Plato Jørgensen studerede Empirical Labor Economics…
May 2, 2023
Fulbright Combined Arctic Semester Experience
Ellie Miller is Fulbrights scholarship recipient for the special Combined Denmark…
April 27, 2023
Arctic Initiative III Symposium Livestream
We are happy to announce the two Danish scholars will discuss their results at the…
April 25, 2023
Around 5 million DKK in Fulbright Core Grants
Fulbright Denmark awards grants totaling around DKK 5 million to Danish and…
April 24, 2023
Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholars from Denmark in Washington, DC
Meet The Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholars From Denmark; Lill Rastad Bjørst and…
April 14, 2023
My Fulbright Journey at DTU
Fulbrighter, Jonathan Falciani, shares his Fulbright experience at DTU, Denmark.
April 12, 2023
Former American Fulbright Scholar David Vizgan named Fulbright Alumni Ambassador
Former Fulbrighter David Vizgan named Fulbright Alumni Ambassador
March 30, 2023
Apply for a Fulbright grant to study in Denmark
Americans who wish to study in Denmark in the academic year 2024/2025 can now apply
March 17, 2023
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Fulbrighter Peter Edsberg Møllgaard tog til USA for at forske ved Massachusetts…
March 10, 2023
EU-NATO Seminar
U.S. Fulbrighter, Marian Azeem-Angel, participated in the EU-NATO Seminar along…
March 3, 2023
Nye Fulbright-legater til over DKK 5,6 mio. uddeles
Fulbright Denmark kan i år tildele over DKK 3 mio. i legater til danske studerende…
February 14, 2023
Ansøgningsrunden er nu lukket
Deadlinen for at ansøge om et Fulbright legat er nu overskredet.
February 9, 2023
Tidligere Fulbrighter: “Der er lige så mange opholdsidéer som der er folk”
Henrik studerer fysik på MIT i Cambridge, MA. Læs mere om hans ophold her.
February 1, 2023
Emilie fordyber sig i sikkerhedspolitik i Washington D.C.
Læs mere om Emilies ophold som Fulbrighter her.
January 25, 2023
Video: Webinar om legatsøgning til USA
I videoen fra webinaret d. 24 januar 2023, vil du lære mere om vores legater og få…
January 25, 2023
Legater indenfor de kunstneriske områder
Er du studerende på en videregående uddannelse, som hører under……
January 19, 2023
PhD-studerende Morten tog familien med til Syracuse, NY
Morten studerede miljøkommunikation ved State University of New York.
January 12, 2023
Sådan laver du et budget for studieophold i USA
Planlægger du et studieophold i USA? Så kan du få hjælp til at lægge budget……
January 10, 2023
Ledige stillinger: Vi søger studentermedhjælpere
Fulbright Denmark søger to studentermedhjælpere til ca. 10 timers arbejde om ugen.……
January 9, 2023
Legat til Studier/Forskning indenfor Social Sciences og Børns Vilkår
Læs mere om vores støtte til dette vigtige forsknings-område.
January 5, 2023
Webinar om legatsøgning d. 24. januar
På webinaret vil du lære mere om vores legater og hvordan du benytter…
January 4, 2023
Studentermedhjælper til Digital Kommunikation og SoMe
Vi søger en ny studentermed-hjælper til Digital Kommuni-kation & SoMe ca. 10 timer…
January 4, 2023
Studentermedhjælper til Administrative Opgaver
Vi søger en ny studentermed-hjælper til administrative opgaver ca. 10 timer om…
December 21, 2022
“Min verden er blevet så meget større af mit år i New York”
Clara læste en kandidat på Columbia University. Læs mere om hendes oplevelse
December 14, 2022
Gode råd til legatsøgning
Skal du på et akademisk udlandsophold? Så læs vores bedste tips til legatsøgning…
December 7, 2022
Legater til studerende på musikkonservatorierne under Kulturministeriet
Legatet på 60.000 DKK uddeles i samarbejde med Kulturministeriet
November 30, 2022
Hvorfor vælge et studieophold i USA?
Er du i tvivl om USA er for dig? Vi deler de erfaringer vi har samlet sammen gennem…
November 28, 2022
Bliv vært for en Amerikansk Fulbright Specialist
Læs om hvad det Kongelige Akademi fik ud af at være vært for en amerikansk…
November 23, 2022
Thanksgiving in Copenhagen
Last week, we held our annual Half-way Seminar & Thanksgiving Dinner for our…
November 11, 2022
Legater indenfor de kunstneriske områder
Er du studerende på en videregående uddannelse, som hører under……
October 27, 2022
An update from a former Fulbright Combined Arctic Semester grantee
Henry Henson just had his article published in Science Direct
October 19, 2022
Outreach events med Fulbright Denmark
Vi har været ude af huset for at fortælle om mulighederne for at studere i USA
October 3, 2022
I erindring om redningen af de danske jøder i 1943
Læs mere om Thanks to Scandinavia-legatet her
September 29, 2022
Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholars Meet in Canada
During the meeting, the scholars presented group projects and policy briefs.
September 22, 2022
Ansøg om et Fulbright Schuman-legat
Legatet udddeles til Europæiske borgere som skal studere eller forske i USA
September 12, 2022
Ansøgningsrunden for Fulbright Denmarks Legater er Åben
Søger du et legat til dit studie- eller forskningsophold i USA? Så læs mere her
August 26, 2022
Invite a U.S. Fulbright scholar in Europe for a short visit to Denmark
Learn more about the opportunity here
August 24, 2022
Fulbright Denmark is getting ready to welcome U.S. Fulbrighters
The arrival orientation will take place on August 25 and 26th
August 11, 2022
Hør mere om Crown Prince Frederik Funds legat til Harvard Kennedy School
Lyt til optagelsen fra vores infomøde
August 5, 2022
Ansøgningsrunden for Fulbright-legater åbner snart
Vi forventer at uddele 5 million DKK til legatansøgere for AY 2023/2024
July 8, 2022
Study at Harvard University’s J.F.K School of Government through the Crown Prince Frederik Fund
Learn more about how to apply
June 29, 2022
First in-person meeting for Fulbright Arctic Initiative III
The meeting took place in Iceland with a visit to Langjökull 'Long Glacier'
June 28, 2022
Stinne brought her husband and two kids with her to NYC
Read more about her experience here
June 22, 2022
In June 2022, Fulbright Denmark Donates Grants for DKK 4,7 Million to 40 Grantees for Studies and Research in the U.S.A. and Denmark
We celebrated the new grantees this Tuesday
June 16, 2022
Velkommen til de nye danske Fulbrightere
I tirsdags afholdt vi det årlige pre-departure webinar for nye danske Fulbrightere
June 3, 2022
Postdoc scholar researched radioactive peptides at Harvard University
Fulbright alumn shares his experience in Boston
May 30, 2022
Crown Prince Frederik Fund’s legater uddelt for AY 2022/2023
Legatmodtagerne er Tine Nielsen Hertz og Kezia Wexøe-Mikkelsen
May 27, 2022
Wrap-up Event for American Fulbrighters in Denmark
We are excited to see what the future holds when their Fulbright stay concludes
May 26, 2022
In memory of Inger P. Davis
The Board has decided to develop a grant within her areas and in her name
May 25, 2022
Fulbright Denmark is Preparing to Welcome New U.S. Fulbrighters
We can't wait to meet them all in Denmark this summer
May 17, 2022
Gilman Seminar in Denmark is Almost Here
The seminar takes place in Copenhagen and Samsø from June 6 - June 12
April 22, 2022
Apply for a Fulbright grant to study in Denmark
Americans who wish to study in Denmark in AY 2023/2024 can now apply
April 8, 2022
Anne did research with the leaders of her field at Carnegie Mellon University
Learn more about her experience in the U.S.
April 5, 2022
Et Fulbright-legat er mere end en pose penge
Læs mere om hvad der følger med når du får et Fulbright-legat her
March 24, 2022
2022 Gilman Climate Leaders Seminar Series
Today marks the start of the seminar series hosted by Duke University
March 22, 2022
Fulbright Student at DTU Gets Paper Accepted for Publication
The paper will be published later this year.
March 2, 2022
Fulbright Grant Competition is Closed
We look forward to sending the best and brightest students to the U.S.
February 21, 2022
Martin Spent a Semester at Columbia University in New York City
Martin Aaskov Karlsen shares his experience being a Ph.D. Fulbrighter.
February 11, 2022
Fulbright Alumni invited back to Denmark
We interviewed Danielle Medina-Hernandez about her research findings.
February 3, 2022
Grant opportunity for Postdoc Scholars
Are you a Danish postdoc scholar wanting to further your academic career?
February 2, 2022
Life as a Master’s student at UC Santa Cruz
We interviewed Ellen Salamon about her experience as a Fulbrighter.
February 1, 2022
Do you want to study at an Ivy League University?
Apply for the Fulbright Joint Grant for Columbia University before March 2, 2022.
January 28, 2022
Additional Grant Opportunities to Celebrate Fulbright’s Anniversary
Fulbright Denmark is exceptionally offering an additional grant amount to selected…
January 21, 2022
Thanks To Scandinavia Grant for Danish students on master’s level
The competition for students to apply for the grant is open until March 2nd.
January 14, 2022
Emil is pursuing his PhD at the Chemistry Department at UC Santa Barbara
We talked to him about his studies and experience being a Fulbrighter in the US
January 5, 2022
Why you should study in Pittsburgh
Learn more about our Joint Grant for University of Pittsburgh.
December 20, 2021
Do you want to study in New York City?
Apply for the Fulbright Joint Grant for NYU's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.
December 17, 2021
The Life of a Fulbright Specialist in Denmark
We interview Ms. Carol Jensen about her stay as a Specialist at CPH Business.
December 10, 2021
Apply for a joint grant to University of Chicago
Are you a master's student within the field of physical science?
December 1, 2021
Fulbright made it possible to pursue a dream
Read a travel report from Sanam who studied at Harvard Medical School.
November 29, 2021
Fulbright’s 75th Anniversary Celebration
Fulbright Denmark's Executive Director, Marie Mønsted, will attend the event.
November 10, 2021
Fulbright grant competition is open
The 2022/2023 Fulbright grant competition for Danish students and scholars is open.
November 9, 2021
Deadline for Fulbright Schuman Grant
The deadline for the EU-related Fulbright Schuman Grant is coming up. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Fulbright Denmark Anniversary Symposium
Read a recap of the anniversary symposium on November 4 here.
November 1, 2021
Program for Fulbright Denmark Anniversary Symposium
See the program for the anniversary symposium on November 4.
October 28, 2021
Dr. Sfraga final keynote speaker at Fulbright’s anniversary symposium
Dr. Michael Sfraga is the founding director of the Polar Institute.
October 26, 2021
Dr. Richardson third keynote speaker at Fulbright’s anniversary symposium
Dr. Katherine Richardson is Professor in Biological Oceanography at Copenhagen…
October 25, 2021
HRH The Crown Prince to attend Symposium
HRH The Crown Prince will be present for the first section of the day.
October 21, 2021
Dr. Parikh second keynote speaker at Fulbright’s anniversary symposium
He is the CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
October 19, 2021
Dr. Porsdam keynote speaker at Fulbright’s anniversary symposium
She will be speaking on science diplomacy and the right to science.
October 13, 2021
A greeting from a Fulbright Alumnus
Mathilde Utzon graduated from Columbia Journalism School in 2021.
October 4, 2021
Keynote speaker appointed USARC commissioner
Michael Sfraga, was just announced commissioner for USARC by President Biden.
September 29, 2021
Fulbright Denmark Anniversary Symposium
Fulbright Denmark is hosting a symposium to celebrate the 75th and 70th…
September 24, 2021
5 Reasons to Study in the US
We have asked some current Fulbrighters why they decided to study in the US.
September 22, 2021
Recent Outreach Activities at Fulbright Denmark
Last week Fulbright Denmark took part in three events - two online and one in…
September 20, 2021
CPFF Scholarship Deadline
The deadline to apply for the CPFF Scholarship is almost here.
September 15, 2021
Welcoming new American Fulbrighters to Denmark
Fulbright Denmark hosted a welcome orientation for the new American Fulbrighters.
August 10, 2021
A Fulbright Specialist to Denmark
Carol A. Jensen returns to Denmark as Fulbright Specialist.
August 3, 2021
A Renewed U.S. Commitment to International Education
The U.S. Department of State has published a joint statement of principles
August 1, 2021
The Stay made me a more well-rounded researcher
Rasmus Vestergaard visited Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of…
July 8, 2021
Webinar: Q&A about CPFF Scholarship
Join us for an online Q&A about the Crown Prince Frederik Fund (CPFF) scholarships
July 7, 2021
Studentermedhjælper til digital kommunikation søges
Fulbright Denmark søger studentermedhjælper til digital kommunikation
July 1, 2021
Crown Prince Frederik Fund Competition is Open
Apply now for scholarships to Harvard Kennedy School for AY 2022/2023
June 15, 2021
End of semester at Columbia Journalism School
Mathilde Utzon has spend the last two semesters at Columbia Journalism School
April 23, 2021
A Visit to Florida State University
Nicolaj Kofod visited Prof. Thomas Albrecht-Schönzart at FSU
April 14, 2021
Analyzing Plants at UC Davis
Emma sowed, analyzed and testet almost 1.000 plants at UC Davis
April 10, 2021
Arriving in the middle of a pandemic
American Fulbrighter Anna Weldy arrived in Denmark in January
March 23, 2021
Fulbright Arctic Initiative III Opening Meeting
The research program has commenced with a Danish guest speaker
March 11, 2021
42 Applications
We have received applications for our Fulbright Grants and Thanks to Scandinavia…
February 15, 2021
Being a Fulbrighter During a Pandemic
In early 2020 Alexander Lund Nielsen went to one of the best places doing medicinal…
February 3, 2021
Fulbright 75th Anniversary
In 2021, we celebrate the Fulbright Program’s history of positive impact on the…
February 1, 2021
4 Reasons to choose Fulbright
How is a Fulbright grant different from other grants and why should you choose to…
January 14, 2021
Two Danes Join Fulbright Arctic Initiative III
We are happy to announce the two Danish scholars to represent the Kingdom of…
January 5, 2021
Application deadline
The application deadline for a Fulbright Grant AY 2021/2022 is approaching.
December 17, 2020
Fulbright Alumni Receives Prestigious Scholarship
Nikolaj K. Mandsberg, Fulbrighter 2017/2018 recieves the prestigious Kirstine…
November 19, 2020
25 Years of Service
Marie Mønsted, Executive Director celebrates 25 years of service to Fulbright…
November 9, 2020
Being A Fulbrigther During the Presidential Election
Gustav Kjær Vad Nielsen experienced the presidential election first hand while…
November 8, 2020
Fulbright Competition is open
The competition for Danish students and scholars to apply for a Fulbright grant to…
October 23, 2020
Fulbright Schuman Competition is open
The Fulbright Schuman program awards 10-15 scholarships to European citizens for…
September 25, 2020
You will not regret it
Flemming Javier Olsen went to Boston to be a visiting research fellow at Harvard…
September 11, 2020
The Stay Enriched My Research
Iben Mundbjerg Gjødsbøl travelled to Santa Cruz, California to be a Fulbright…
August 28, 2020
First US Fulbrighter Has Arrived
Our first American Fulbrighter in the academic year (AY) 2020-2021 has arrived in…
August 27, 2020
Fulbright opens doors to a great academic network
Caroline Espersen was a Fulbrighter at Harvard Medical School AY 2019/2020. She…
August 26, 2020
Crown Prince Frederik Fund Competition is Open
Apply now for scholarships to Harvard Kennedy School in academic year 21/22
August 25, 2020
Webinar: Q&A about CPFF Scholarship
Join us for an online Q&A about the Crown Prince Frederik Fund (CPFF) scholarships
August 21, 2020
Reaching new Conclusions
Sanne Wammen Larsen was part of Fulbright Arctive Initiative II.
August 4, 2020
Fulbrighters in search of a treatment for HIV
Fulbrighters Mariane Schleimann and Line Vibholm are working towards a treatment…
July 31, 2020
Fulbright Arctic Inititive III Webinar
Join a webinar about the program on Wednesday , August 19 at 6:00 pm.
June 19, 2020
Danish Fulbrighter Builds COVID-19 Patient Database
During my time in Boston, the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 began spreading across…
June 4, 2020
Crown Prince Frederik Fund’s legater uddelt
Legatmodtagerne er Huy Cuong Huynh og Thor Sommerstrand.
May 6, 2020
4.4 million DKK in Grants
Fulbright Denmark awards grants totaling DKK 4.4 million to Danish and American…
April 16, 2020
Fulbright Denmark and COVID-19
Please check here for the latest updates. Updated May 6 2020.
April 11, 2020
Et Phd. projekt blev formet
Mads Agerbo Ejsings Phd. projekt blev formet på Brown University med et Fulbright…
March 2, 2020
Taking Research to Another Level
Announcing the Fulbright Arctive Initiative III: A cross disciplinary and…
February 25, 2020
Danish Fulbright Scholar Awarded
Danish Fulbright Scholars Dr. Jane Bolander was awarded an Outreach Lecturing Fund…
February 21, 2020
A Secure and Sustainable Arctic
Announcing the Fulbright Arctive Initiative III: A cross disciplinary and…
February 14, 2020
EU-NATO Seminar
U.S. Fulbrighter Alanna Schenk particpated in the EU-NATO Seminar along with 40…
February 11, 2020
Modifying DNA in the USA
In the fall of 2019, Kasper Munck Beck visited the University of California San…
January 30, 2020
A NASA Research Project
A Danish Fulbright student researcher worked on a research project with NASA about…
January 23, 2020
A Book from a Recipient
Former Fulbright recipient Anders Holm has published a book about N.F.S. Grundtvig.
January 14, 2020
H.C. Ørsted Gold Medal
H.C. Ørsted Gold Medal awarded to Thanks to Scandinavia (TTS) recipient.
January 1, 2020
Welcome Jodi Sandfort, US Fulbright Scholar
Sandfort will spend the semester at the University of Copenhagen's Department of…
December 12, 2019
En unik mulighed på MIT
Læs om Martin Henriksens unikke mulighed på det prestigefyldte MIT med et Fulbright…
October 31, 2019
Fulbright Arctic Initiative II
16 international scholars have been conducting multidisciplinary research focused…
October 17, 2019
Why study in Denmark?
Madeline Hoey is currently studying at the University of Copenhagen through the…
September 3, 2019
Arrival Orientation 2019
On August 29th and 30th 2019, Fulbright Denmark welcomed eight American students…
August 14, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fulbrighter Joachim Wiewiura went to USA to research at MIT's Media Lab’s Center…
August 1, 2019
Solar Energy and Peacock Spiders
Fulbrighter Nikolaj Mandsberg has helped research how the super black color of a…
June 30, 2019
CPFF Mid-Career Scholarship to Harvard
Clear the calendar, move the family to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and start a…
June 28, 2019
Fulbrighter New Minister of Foreign Affairs
Fulbrighter Jeppe Kofod has been appointed Denmark’s new Minister of Foreign…
June 17, 2019
Award Ceremony 2019
On June 6, 2019 Fulbright Denmark held its annual award ceremony celebrating the…
June 12, 2019
Operator Algebras
The purpose of my Fulbright Inter-Country Travel Grant to Denmark and the…
May 28, 2019
Exoplanet Exploration
Fulbright Denmark gave me an incredible opportunity to engage in cutting edge…
April 25, 2019
Boston University
It has been instructive and rewarding for me to research in the U.S., and it has…
April 25, 2019
Harvard University
Being a ‘Fulbrighter’ provides one with a network of ambitious like-minded people…
April 25, 2019
Michigan State University
My research at MSU focused on producing beneficial plant substances in a more…
April 25, 2019
The Rockefeller University
As part of my PhD study I researched a cure for HIV. During my studies I got a…