Gense vores Webinar om legatsøgning til USA

Webinar d. 12 november 2024, hvor du kan lære mere om vores legater og få gode råd til din ansøgning.

Being a Fulbright Specialist in Denmark

We have interviewed Amparo Leyman Pino about her Fulbright Specialist project at Experimentarium Denmark.

Viden, passion og nysgerrighed – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Læs om Nanna Marie Tørring Koefoeds udlandsophold ved Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fækal Mikrobiota Transplantation til Leversyge

Læs om Sidsel Støy udlandsophold ved University of California

Grants forDanish Citizens

For graduate and PhD students, scholars, and for educational institutions.

Explore grants

Grants forAmerican Citizens

For graduate and PhD students, and for scholars.

Explore grants

The Fulbright program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs.

— Senator J. William Fulbright