Why become a Fulbright Denmark partner?
Fulbright Denmark is known as the flagship program for top students and scholars with strong recognition in the academic world. To strengthen our commitment to a better future, Fulbright Denmark is about to evolve and become a more dynamic builder of affiliations between knowledge institutions, students and scientists and corporate partners.
Our grants open new avenues for our recipients. In the same manner, Fulbright present opportunities for our partners to associate yourself with the best and the brightest, and to use this affiliation actively in building your own corporate culture and brand.
Fulbright Denmark presents an opportunity for Danish companies and institutions to shine brighter by committing to help shape the future of the graduates of tomorrow.
For information regarding partnership opportunities, please contact:
Sophia Vejlgaard
Executive Director, Fulbright Denmark
sophia.vejlgaard@fulbright.dk+ 45 33 18 10 03
International educational exchange is the most significant current project designed to continue the process of humanizing mankind to the point, we would hope, that men can learn to live in peace
— Senator J. William Fulbright, 1976
Thanks to our partners
Funding for Fulbright Denmark is provided in annual state budget allocations by

Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science