December 12, 2019
En unik mulighed på MIT
Læs om Martin Henriksens unikke mulighed på det prestigefyldte MIT med et Fulbright…
Current Danish Fulbrighters
Overview of current Danish Fulbrighters.
Fulbright Schuman
Scholarships for study, research, and lecturing related to U.S.-EU relations or EU affairs in the United States.
Apply for an Inter-Country Travel Grant
Applying for an Inter-Country Travel Grant.
Applying for a Fulbright scholar grant.
Fulbright and Grants within the Arts
Fulbright Denmark has co-funded grants for Danish graduate students with, respectively, the Danish Ministry of Culture and Aarhus Architecture School.
Applying for a Fulbright student grant.
Fulbright Schuman Grants
Scholarships for study, research, and lecturing related to U.S.-EU relations or EU affairs in the United States.
Fulbright Joint Grants
Fulbright Denmark has joint forces with some of the best schools in the U.S. to offer excellent joint grants for Danish graduate and PhD-students.
CPFF Alumni
Overview of Crown Prince Frederik Fund recipients over the years.